adventures, lifestyle, travel

Padova, Italy / Part II

I almost forgot. These images are also from Padova just around the city. I remember not taking very many pictures around Padova, one: because I mostly was trying to capture mental images and two: because I only spent one day there. So these images aren’t that great, but I think they’re worth sharing anyway. This day it started to rain at one point. I wrapped my camera up in my sweater and continued along the labyrinth of streets. Almost in an instant the streets were abandoned for shelter and I quickly descended into a part of the city that was residential. Honestly I couldn’t really tell but it was just the feeling I got. The wet streets looked crooked surrounded by the tall old buildings. I stopped in an antique book store where I found piles of old photos and intricately labelled medical diagrams of various parts of the body. I returned to the streets and eventually found myself at the Basilica (of which I do not have pictures except on my instagram). My friend Kaitlin and I ordered gelato and rested out in front of the Basilica. After we explored it shortly we then headed back to the vintage festival. On the way I ordered us a snack at a café in Italiano* of which I was very proud 😉










*I was determined to learn some Italian before I went on this trip. I didn’t learn as much as I wanted, but I knew some things and I was very excited to really be able to say anything!

adventures, lifestyle, travel

Padova, Italy / Vintage Festival 2013

I finally got around to finishing my first round of images from my Italy trip! These images are from the Vintage Festival in Padova. I had a great time and the city was charming. My friend, Mattia has been hired to photograph the speakers from the festival for the past 2 years. This is the website, the images on the front page are his. He’s great.

Padova Vintage Festival / September 13, 2013
















Shabazz Retrospective

Shabazz Retrospective

Shabazz Retrospective

Shabazz Retrospective













Coming up next – Milan!
